Muppets aka non-decision makers literally cost you time and money. If you next project and $$$ is on the line, why would you talk to someone who can’t make the decision on their own? Talk to the REAL decision maker to get full scope of the project, narrow down the “why” of the website (the REAL reason as to what would make them invest in a new website… not just to have a redesign) and uncover the true objections and motives behind everything.


Talking too much can blow out deals – the prospect doesn’t care what you have to say about your company/portfolio or anything else. Not yet. They’re just worried about what can you do for them? So how do you fix this? Ask more questions. Ask better questions and get better answers. Write down EVERYTHING that the prospect is telling you. “What is the biggest problem with the website now?” “Why do you want a new website and what will that solve?” “How will we know that the website is a success 3 months after deployment?” “How will we know that we moved the needle for you?” Use that intel to gather all the information you can and use that in your pitch later in the conversation. If you talk more than your prospect in the early stages of the engagements, the deal won’t happen.


Not having urgency in your dialoge with a decision maker is like baking a cake with no cake batter… it’s just a terrible idea all around. What happens after your call? Most likely the “ok thanks for your time” or even better, “we’ll get back to you”. NOPE. Face that head on. We like to completely take that away with facing the prospect with their competitor. Pull up both of their data reports and compare it side by side. If the prospect is talking to you, chances are they know their website is brutal. To that end, highlight that painpoint by showing the data of their competitor and what it’s doing for them. “Men lie, women lie but numbers don’t”. That was something my old Sales Manager used to say. Except he got that from Jay Z. But he was right. Creating urgency taps into the emotional lizard part of the brain and creates that FOMO. People buy on emotions and back it up with logic. Present them with both and you’re well on your way to more $$$.


Why the hell would somebody buy a website from you when they could just hire someone overseas for $4/hour? What is it that you bring to the table? What is unique about you? You’ve got to have this down ON TOP of finding the prospect’s “why”. I once had a prospect interested in a website and started asking questions to uncover the real reason. Once I found the REAL reason (they weren’t just buying a new website) evrything made sense. So I played the angle of the prospect’s pain point and got the deal. That deal went down in 2 phone calls and was a high ticket rate. Meaning, the prospect wanted my services (brand new website) more than his $$. That right there is the very definition of a sale and what you will learn with CoderSales.


You can’t close. You. Can’t. Close. Here’s the problem: you don’t ask for the order. So your prospect is talking to you for a reason. They are interested in your services because it can solve their problem(s). However, after all of the discussions and dialogue, you don’t ask for the business. They carve time out of their day for this?? Here’s what you do: take them step by step through your process, how you can fix their issues, uncover the “why” and ask them “using this approach and data, can you see why this is so effective?” This is a trial close… a litmus test. If the prospect says “yes” then you ask “is this a project you would like my help with?” Boom. Once that is said, dynamics change. They either say yes and you’ve got a deal OR the real objections come out.

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