Sending emails. The magical (and scalable) way to get CEOs to respond to you and get new projects behind a screen so you don’t have to cold call. After all, fish don’t jump in the boat, right? At least not at first. So in this guide/breakdown I’ll walk you through each email we use in our process and the responses from the prospect. Names, companies and site data blacked out for obvious reasons. Let’s go!


Email #1

Have a templated cold email to use. It should have these components:
1.) who you are and what you do
2.) finding common ground in your niche
3.) broad enough to cover the companies you’re mass sending them to
4.) address the person by first name… {first name}
5.) point out a few pain points with the company’s website – this can be with web design or SEO
6.) what those errors are causing on their site
7.) case study/example of previous work to demonstrate your authority and expertise
8.) call to action

Email #2

Here is the response. Because the initial email was sent to the CEO, they INSTRUCTED the marketing person to get back. ALWAYS START WITH THE CEO. So because they responded back saying she is the correct person, then we do the ‘data pull’ on SEMrush. Which literally means doing a Domain Overview look into their website which takes under a minute. The key here is seeing who is actually interested and not interested so you aren’t wasting your time screen grabbing every single company you find which would take hours.

Email #3


In this message, the website’s information is then sent back along with a few components:
-pointing out the keywords the site is ranking for
-the organic competitors
-current estimated traffic
-hitting the pain point and issues of what these technical errors have caused… missed traffic thus no sales opportunities. That’s the end game here. Helping them get more sales, that’s the problem you’re solving.
-looking into their competitors and getting their strategy. This is playing to their ego and emotional decision making. Play this hard.

-asking a few questions at the end keeps them engaged and communicates that you have your act together. Which you should.

Email #4


The top email is the marketing contact saying yes, she would like to talk about this. The bottom email is the response to ‘pin them down’ with a Calendly link (which is connected to Zoom) AND will pre vet that company with 10 questions before they can schedule a time. With those 10 questions, we are able to know who they are, their estimated budget for the project, the timing, goals for the website and so on. The idea here is to know whether or not if this company is a good target and to spend more time on or not.


So obviously this is led with SEO but this can easily be done with web design. Simply tailor the email message body to lead with design & keywords (saying we’ll redesign your site isn’t enough, NOT when your design rates are over $15,000 USD) and that you will kill two birds with one stone to save them money. Make everything about them and what you can do for them. When you get good at communicating how you will solve their problems watch your calendar, workbench and bank account fill up.